School Districts
The Clemson Area Chamber service area is home to two school districts. Pickens County School District and Anderson County District Four, which encompasses Pendleton. The schools in these districts are distinguished by exceptionally high academic results and strong athletic performances.
Pickens County School District as a whole ranks #1 or #2 in the state on a regular basis and is recognized throughout the nation as a “Quality School System.” Both Pickens and Anderson School Districts are accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).
The influence of higher education certainly contributes to the success of the schools. Clemson University, Southern Wesleyan University and Tri-County Technical College attract an educated parent base, set quality standards for students pursuing higher education and by their very presence speak (to high school students) the importance of doing well academically.
Public Education K-12
Both districts have earned numerous awards and accolades for special programs and overall academic excellence.
Pickens County School District
Elementary School
Central Elementary School
608 Johnson Road
Central, SC 29630
Telephone: 864-639-1400; Fax: 639-5140
2013 School Grade: 93.3
Clemson Elementary
581 Berkley Drive
Clemson, SC 29631
Telephone: 864-397-1500; Fax: 864-624-4425
2013 School Grade: 99.0
Six Mile Elementary
777 North Main Street
Six Mile, SC 29682
Telephone: 864-397-2400; Fax: 864-868-4011
2013 School Grade: 99.0
Middle School
R.C. Edwards Middle School
1157 Madden Bridge Road
Central, SC 29630
Telephone: 864-397-4200; Fax: 864-624-4426
2013 School Grade: 84.4
High School
D.W. Daniel High School
140 Blue and Gold Blvd.
Central, SC 29630
Telephone: 864-397-2900; Fax: 864-654-9608
2013 School Grade: 89.0
Average ACT Score: 24.1
Average SAT Score: 1597
Easley High School
Average ACT Score: 22.1
Average SAT Score: 1438
Liberty High School
Average ACT Score: 21.1
Average SAT Score: 1399
Pickens High School
Average ACT Score: 21.8
Average SAT Score: 1465
Average ACT Score: 22.4
Average SAT Score: 1489
Career and Technology Center (PCCTC)
990 Chastain Road, Liberty, SC 29657
Telephone: 864-397-4500; Fax: 864-843-9064
Clemson Elementary, Six Mile Elementary, and R.C. Edwards Middle School and Daniel High School all earned Palmetto Gold Awards for General Performance in 2013.
Daniel High School was ranked the #1 traditional public high school in South Carolina by U.S. News and World Report in 2012.
Daniel High School was tied for the top traditional public high school for ACT scores in 2014, with an average composite score of 24.1.
Clemson Elementary 5th grade students were named the Grand Champions of the International Jet Toy challenge in Detroit in 2011. The Jet Toy challenge is a part of the STEM Learning Program, integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in the classroom.
Central Elementary was named a 2011 National Title 1 Distinguished School for Closing the Achievement Gap. The award is granted to schools that have attained the greatest reduction in closing the achievement gap between the African-American subgroup and the White subgroup.
Every Clemson-area school in Pickens County earned “Excellent” or “Good” Absolute ratings on the South Carolina School Report card in 2013.
The Daniel High School class of 2014 earned more than $10,765,000 in college scholarships.
On the 2014 ACT, SDPC’s average was 1.4 points above the national average of 21.0. Scores were tied for fourth among all traditional public school districts in South Carolina, and first among all county-wide districts.
SDPC’s average on the 2012 SAT was 43 points above the national average. District scores were the second highest in South Carolina, first among districts in the Upstate, and first among county-wide districts in South Carolina.
On the 2013 SAT, SDPC students earned an overall composite score of 1483, higher than the state average of 1423.
The percentage of SDPC students meeting standards on the 2014 PASS (Palmetto Assessment of State Standards) exceeded their South Carolina peers in all but two of the 30 assessments.
SDPC students performed above the state average in every subject on 2013 End-of-Course exams.
Career Development
The mission of Pickens County Career & Technology Center, a leader in career and technological education, is to prepare students to reach their maximum potential by providing a quality education emphasizing high achievement in a caring and safe environment. The vision of the PCCTC is to continue to build strong partnerships with industry, post-secondary schools, and our high schools to provide a wealth of opportunities for our students. The PCCTC develops and implements a student centered instructional program to ensure high academic and technological achievement to prepare students for careers and /or post-secondary education. Ken Hitchcock, Director of the Pickens County Career and Technology center stated that “the PCCTC is a primary source of work force development and career discovery. We work closely with our high schools, local industries, colleges, and economic development agencies to provide a skilled work force to help Pickens County to continue to prosper.”
The PCCTC career and technology classes are innovative and geared toward the careers of the 21st Century. The PCCTC produces students who are ready for college and the work place. Many of the PCCTC seniors leave us with co-ops, apprenticeships, scholarships or jobs with local businesses. The community is very involved in what goes on at the PCCTC. Local companies and leaders visit the school often and are active on each of our programs’ advisory boards. Career and Technology Student Organizations (CTSO’s) offer students the opportunity to compete with students across the state and nation, as well as the opportunity to develop leadership skills. Our students compete in state SkillsUSA, FFA, and HOSA competitions and win, many advancing to national competitions.
The Pickens County Career and Technology Center is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Goals are aligned with the Technology Centers That Work (TCTW) school improvement initiatives to focus on for continuous improvement. With an excellent new facility and partners with local businesses and industries in the area, the PCCTC strives to excel. The Pickens County Career and Technology Center was selected as a Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School in 2006. An Excellent rating was received on the last school report card. The school has also been awarded the South Carolina Palmetto Gold and Silver awards for the past 10 consecutive years.
For more information about the School District of Pickens County, visit
Anderson County School District 4
Elementary Schools
LaFrance Elementary School (K-5)
550 Williams Street, Pendleton, SC 29670
Telephone: 864-646-8010; Fax: 864-646-8011
2013 School Grade: 94.8
Mount Lebanon Elementary (K-6)
2850 Lebanon Road, Pendleton, SC 29670
Telephone: 864-403-2400; Fax: 864-716-3654
2013 School Grade: 100.0
Pendleton Elementary (K-6)
902 E. Queen Street, Pendleton, SC 29670
Telephone: 864-403-2500; Fax: 864-646-8016
2013 School Grade: 91.5
Townville Elementary (K-6)
105 Townville School Road, Townville, SC 29689
Telephone: 864-403-2600; Fax: 864-287-5716
2013 School Grade: 100.0
Middle Schools
Riverside Middle (7-8)
458 Riverside Street, Pendleton, SC 29670
Telephone: 864-403-2200; Fax: 864-646-8025
2013 School Grade: 88.6
High School
Pendleton High School (9-12)
7324 Highway 187, Anderson, SC 29625
Telephone: 864-403-2100; Fax: 864-646-8066
2013 School Grade: 88.6
2014 Average ACT Score: 20.0
2014 Average SAT Score: 1391
In 2013, the District earned its highest ratings of Excellent since the SC Report Card’s inception. Four of the six schools, Pendleton High, Riverside Middle, Townville Elementary, and Mount Lebanon Elementary Schools, posted an Excellent rating in absolute performance.
In 2013, La France Elementary and Townville Elementary Schools were recognized as Reward Schools for being among the highest performing Title I schools in a given year.
Five out of six of the district’s schools received 2013 Palmetto Gold and Silver Awards for high levels of academic Achievement. These were Mount Lebanon Elementary (Gold), Townville Elementary (Gold), Pendleton Elementary (Silver), Riverside Middle (Gold), and Pendleton High School (Gold).
In Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) federal accountability results, District Four schools earned four A’s and two B’s demonstrating student performance that significantly exceeded state expectations.
In 2012, Pendleton High’s Agricultural Education Department was named the Most Outstanding Program in the southeast and one of the top six in the nation by the National Association of Agricultural Educators.
Pendleton High’s class of 2014 earned scholarships valued at $3,257,440.
The 2013 senior class graduated with a record of 126 dual credits for college in partnership with Tri-County Technical College and Anderson University.
Out of 189 graduates, 116 students qualified for LIFE scholarships in 2014.
The Pride of Pendleton Marching Band won the 2013 AA State Championship.
The 2013 Pendleton High School VEX Robotics Team was the State winner.
The PHS singers earned a superior rating at the Heritage Music Festival in New York.
In 2012 the boys’ cross country team won the AA 2012 State Championship and the boys’ golf team won their second AA State Championship.
In the first year of existence, the Riverside Middle School Archery Team qualified for the NASP National Tournament by winning the state championship at the SC Archery in the Schools Tournament.
The Pendleton High School Air Force ROTC received a national rating of Exceeds Standards in their 2013 Passing Review.
In 2014, five of the district’s six schools were designated as National Healthy Schools.
Anderson School District 4 ranks among the top ten districts in the state based on 2013 Report Card ratings on absolute performance.
The district’s high school exit exam (HSAP) passing rate ranks in the top ten in South Carolina, with a passing rate of 98.2%. The same score of 98.2% was received for English Language Arts.
Composite SC PASS Performance for grades 3-8 exceeds districts similar in each of the five tested areas, while students scored in the top ten in 17 out of 30 tested areas.
Instructional Initiatives
Technology integration plan bringing the district to a 1:2 student to device ratio
Implementation of Common Core State Standards in K-12
Project-based instruction in K-12
Signature experiences in elementary schools in the areas of Montessori, global studies, L2- Literacy and Leadership, and STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.
For more information about Anderson County School District 4, visit