Six Mile, SC

The rural Town of Six Mile, just a short drive north of Clemson, evidences the great pride of it’s residents. Fewer than 700 call Six Mile home, yet two to three times that number turnout for the hometown style events and activities that evoke the close and personal spirit of an earlier age.
The Town is named from an old Indian legend about a Cateechee woman named Issaqueena. She fell in love with a man named Francis Allen, who had moved to Fort Cambridge.
Issaqueena later overheard her tribe elders planning an attack on the fort and traveled ninety-six miles on foot to warn her lover. Along her journey, she named the paths, landmarks, and streams, many of which still hold today, including Issaqueena Falls, Ninety-Six, and Six Mile.
One of its popular events is the annual Old Fashioned Christmas held early in December with the businesses and residents lighting up the main street. The Annual Christmas Parade, held the first Saturday morning of December drives an amazing number of entries and provides the longest Christmas parade in the area, both in length and duration. With the advent of spring the May Issaqueena Festival fills up the Main Street with local entertainment, food vendors and craftsmen to attract people from the entire area. This is held the third Saturday of May each year.
Another attraction of the Town is it’s setting near the mountains. Silhouetted just west of Town is Six Mile Mountain, a sight as you drive down the Main Street that causes you to catch your breath.
While described as a Town with the spirit of an earlier age, it is by no means a sleepy old town. Quite the contrary. The Town Fathers recently and successfully worked to bring a community bank to Town. Our Bank, a division of Carolina Premier Bank, opened in the spring of 2013. Two years ago the Town also saw the opening of the new Farmers Market, housed in the former firehouse, and unquestionably the best Market facility around. The Market runs every Thursday from 4-7pm from May through October. Six Mile is proud to have its own Mexican Restaurant, Los Poblanos, a fixture since November 2012. Not to be left out is the Community Recreation Center with state of the art baseball fields and running track with lights, bleachers, and food service stand.
A badge of distinction and honor belongs to Six Mile which has more Medal of Honor recipients per capita than anywhere else in the nation. The town has three distinguished soldiers who gave their lives heroically, one in World War II, one in the Korean War, and one in the Vietnam War. In addition, a fourth recipient grew up in neighboring Liberty and spent time in Six Mile. All four are honored by a monument in front of Town Hall.
Community pride shows itself all over this marvelous little town and rightfully so.